Ana Svetina 10.10.2024. Fashion

Otkrivena je tema Met Gale, kao i suvoditelji najznačajnijeg modnog događanja godine!

Met Gala 2025. je sve bliže, a sada znamo i temu te zvjezdanu postavu suvoditelja. Ove godine, modni događaj broj jedan bit će u znaku dandizma crnačke kulture pod nazivom “Superfine: Tailoring Black Style”. Predstavljeni su suvoditelji: glumac Colman Domingo, vozač Formule 1 Lewis Hamilton, glazbenici A$AP Rocky i Pharrell Williams, te modna ikona Anna Wintour, a počasni suvoditelj bit će nitko drugi nego košarkaška legenda LeBron James.


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Ova tema crpi inspiraciju iz knjige Monice L. Miller Slaves to Fashion, koja istražuje kako su crnci kroz povijest koristili modu kao alat za izražavanje identiteta i otpora, a dandizam je postao simbol elegancije i moći. Izložba će uključivati odjeću, slike i fotografije koje će pokazati evoluciju stila crnaca kroz stoljeća, od 18. stoljeća do danas.


Explore the extraordinary stories of stylish Black individuals across art, literature, music, and society.
Coming May 2025, “Superfine: Tailoring Black Style” will examine the historical and cultural emergence of the Black dandy.
Inspired by curator Monica Miller’s 2009 book, “Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of Black Diasporic Identity,” the exhibition will present a cultural and historical examination of the Black dandy, from the figure’s emergence in Enlightenment Europe during the 18th century to today’s incarnations in cities around the world.   Colman Domingo, Lewis Hamilton, A$AP Rocky, Pharrell Williams and Anna Wintour will co-chair the next #CostumeInstitute Benefit on the First Monday in May. LeBron James will serve as honorary chair.
The Benefit, also known as The Met Gala, celebrates the opening of the 2025 exhibition “Superfine: Tailoring Black Style” and provides The Costume Institute with its primary source of annual funding for exhibitions, publications, acquisitions, operations, and capital improvements.
“Superfine: Tailoring Black Style” opens to the public on May 10 and will be celebrated at the 2025 Met Gala on May 5. #SuperfineStyle #MetGala2025 #Fashion

♬ original sound – The Met

Met Gala 2025. bit će prva koja stavlja mušku modu u fokus. Iako je dandizam poznat po otmjenosti, ova tema nosi snažnu poruku; moda kao oblik otpora i moći. Dandizam nije samo stil, to je stav; pravila ne postoje, već se kreiraju. Očekujemo da će gosti odati počast ovoj tradiciji na najspektakularniji način.


THE 2025 MET GALA THEME IS “SUPERFINE: TAILORING BLACK STYLE” AND IT ALREADY LOOKS MAJOR! From co-chairs like LeBron James, A$AP Rocky, Colman Domingo, Lewis Hamilton, & Pharrell Williams to the exploration of Black Dandyism curated by both Andrew Bolton and Monica L. Miller, I’m feeling very hopeful and excited!! #fashion #style #met #metgala #lebronjames #metgala2025 #asaprocky #pharrellwilliams #lewishamilton #colmandomingo #fashiontiktok #tiktokfashion

♬ original sound – HauteLeMode

Pharrell Williams, već dobro poznat po svojoj ulozi kreativnog direktora muške mode u Louis Vuittonu, i A$AP Rocky, pionir u svijetu mode i glazbe, sigurno će nas oduševiti svojim modnim izborima. Lewis Hamilton i LeBron James savršeno spajaju svjetove sporta i mode, dok Colman Domingo donosi glumačku eleganciju.


Ganz traditionell wird an diesem ersten Montag im Mai die Met Gala ausgerichtet – diesmal ganz im Zeichen der Herrenmode. Das nun bekannt gegebene Motto „Superfine: Tailoring Black Style“ ist inspiriert von Monica L. Millers Buch „Slaves to Fashion: Black Dandyism and the Styling of Black Diasporic Identity“. In diesem wird untersucht, wie schwarzer Dandyismus als Ausdruck von Raffinesse und Widerstand zur Gestaltung schwarzer Identitäten in der Diaspora beiträgt. Passend zum Motto wurden für die Met Gala 2025 prominente Persönlichkeiten als Co-Gastgeber gewonnen. Schauspieler Colman Domingo, Rennfahrer Lewis Hamilton, Rapper A$AP Rocky, Musiker Pharrell Williams und Basketballstar LeBron James sind die Aushängeschilder des kommenden Events an der Seite von Vogue-Ikone Anna Wintour. 👏🏽 Wie der Dresscode lauten wird, der in der Vergangenheit immer passend zum Motto des Mode-Events gewählt wurde, werden wir Anfang des kommenden Jahres erfahren.  (🎥: Getty Video) #grazia #grazia_magazin #metgala #metgala2025 #annawintour #asaprocky #colmandomingo #lewishamilton #pharrellwilliams #lebronjames

♬ Eternxlkz SLAY – Eternxlkz

Osim što će biti proslava mode, ovaj put fokus će biti na posveta velikim imenima crnačkog dizajna. Nemoguće je ne prisjetiti se Virgila Abloha, osnivača Off-Whitea, koji bi zasigurno bio dio ovog spektakla da je još s nama. Njegova kreativnost i vizija savršeno bi se uklopili u ovu temu.

Svi s nestrpljenjem iščekuju prvi ponedjeljak u svibnju, kada će Met Gala ponovno dominirati modnim svijetom.

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